Friday, May 7, 2010

Stewart's Point Now Closed

The whole MLPA Thing is, honestly, a bit confusing. So much so that I had to geek-out and write a script to plot the exact coordinates on Google Maps. To make matters worse, it's incumbent on abalone divers (and fishermen) to keep track of the MLPA process and closures, since you can't expect a clear sign at every coastal access point.

Great, one more website I need to keep a sharp eye on. I'm seriously considering writing a script to download it every day and alert me if something changes.

As far as I can tell, Stewart's Point is the major Northern Central closure that affects abalone divers and pickers, so those of you who liked to get your abs at Fisk Mill Cove had better find somewhere else.

Apparently, not everyone is happy about the closure. The Pomo Indians take exception to being shut out of their historic fishing grounds, and the North Coast MLPA process doesn't seem to be going swimmingly either. It's a complex issue that probably doesn't have a make-everyone-happy resolution, and I think most of us don't feel there's much we can do other than try to understand, and wait for the results.

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